The animated series created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon collaborates with PlayStation for a vibrant ‘spot’ of the new adventure of Kratos and Atreus.
“God of War Ricknarock. “ This is how they have titled the comic advertising spot for God of War: Ragnarok, released in the early hours of this Monday, September 5, where Rick and Morty, the protagonists of the successful Adult Swim animated series, pick up the baton from Kratos and Atreus to live Adventures in the Nine Realms. You can see below the announcement of about 50 seconds long.
Predictably, the adventure doesn’t go too well for Morty. Rick, after shaving, painting himself and opening a portal to the Nordic world, finds Leviathan in a chest, Kratos’ already iconic axe (at which point, by the way, he anticipates the new powers that he will bring with him in the sequel to God of War ). The scientist ends up in love with the weapon, and how could it be otherwise? He replaces her as a travelling companion with her grandson, who is left at the mercy of the monsters of the Nine Kingdoms.
The promotion comes some distance from the launch of God of War: Ragnarok, which will be released on November 9 for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4. It coincides with the premiere of the sixth season of Rick and Morty, whose first episode, Solaris is now available worldwide on HBO Max.
The streaming platform said the following when they confirmed the premiere date of the new season of the humorous production in July: “It’s the sixth season, and Rick and Morty are back! We’ll pick up where we left off, worse because of the wear and tear and their Will they can recover for more adventures? Or will they be swept away in an ocean of urine? Who knows?! Pee! Family! Intrigue! A bunch of dinosaurs! More pee! Another unmissable season of your show!”.