The 7th Guest VR Review

A Haunting Revival: Navigating the Enigmatic Halls of The 7th Guest VR

The 7th Guest VR, developed by Vertigo Games, marks a triumphant return of the classic mystery adventure game, now reimagined for the immersive world of PlayStation VR 2. This game takes players on a journey through the eerie mansion of Henry Stauf, a once-famous toymaker with a dark past. The game seamlessly blends the nostalgic elements of the original 1993 release with modern VR technology, providing a fresh and immersive experience for both long-time fans and newcomers alike. The developers at Vertigo Games have meticulously crafted a world rich in atmosphere, filled with challenging puzzles, and shrouded in mystery.

From the moment players don the PSVR 2 headset, they are transported into the haunting world of The 7th Guest VR, greeted by the ominous ambiance of the Stauf mansion. The game’s introduction sets the tone for the eerie adventure that awaits, providing just enough context to intrigue players while leaving plenty of mysteries to uncover. The PSVR 2’s capabilities are fully utilized, offering enhanced graphics, precise motion tracking, and immersive 3D audio, ensuring a captivating gaming experience. The introduction serves as a gateway into the world of The 7th Guest VR, inviting players to step into the protagonist’s shoes and unravel the secrets of the Stauf mansion.

Vertigo Games has successfully bridged the gap between nostalgia and innovation, capturing the essence of the original game while introducing new elements to enhance the experience. The game’s pacing is well-balanced, ensuring players remain engaged without feeling overwhelmed by the VR environment. The introduction does an excellent job of establishing the game’s eerie tone, introducing the core gameplay mechanics, and setting the stage for the mysterious adventure ahead. The 7th Guest VR promises a thrilling journey through a world filled with puzzles, intrigue, and the lingering presence of Henry Stauf.

As players delve deeper into the game, they will find that The 7th Guest VR offers more than just a series of puzzles to solve. The game is a narrative-driven experience with a strong emphasis on storytelling and atmosphere. The introduction serves as the perfect starting point, inviting players to immerse themselves in the haunting world of the Stauf mansion and begin their journey to uncover its dark secrets.

Setting and Story

The 7th Guest VR is set in the foreboding mansion of Henry Stauf, a once-renowned toymaker whose life took a dark turn. The game’s setting is a character in itself, telling a story of decadence, mystery, and the supernatural. Players will navigate through opulent rooms, hidden passages, and eerie hallways, each location contributing to the unfolding narrative. The attention to detail in the game’s environments adds depth to the story, creating a rich atmosphere that enhances the overall experience.

The story of The 7th Guest VR is a chilling tale of greed, betrayal, and the supernatural. Players find themselves trapped in the Stauf mansion, surrounded by the ghosts of previous guests, each with their own story to tell. The narrative is woven seamlessly into the gameplay, with players uncovering clues and solving puzzles to reveal the mansion’s dark past. The game’s storytelling is subtle yet compelling, with a narrative that unfolds at a steady pace, keeping players engaged and eager to discover the truth.

The integration of setting and story is one of The 7th Guest VR’s most robust features, creating an immersive experience that is both visually and narratively rich. The game’s world is a testament to the power of atmosphere, with the Stauf mansion serving as the perfect backdrop for the mysterious events that unfold. The narrative is a journey into the unknown, with players piecing together the story of Henry Stauf and the tragic fate of the mansion’s previous guests. The setting and story work in tandem to create a compelling experience, drawing players into the world of The 7th Guest VR and its enigmatic tale.

The 7th Guest VR’s setting and story are masterfully crafted to create a chilling, immersive experience that will keep players engaged from start to finish. The narrative is intriguing, the setting is atmospheric, and the two intertwining create a game that is as narratively rich as it is visually and auditorily stunning. The 7th Guest VR is a storytelling marvel that takes players on a haunting journey through the dark corridors of the Stauf mansion, uncovering its secrets and the stories of those who once walked its halls.

Gameplay and Mechanics

The gameplay of The 7th Guest VR is a thrilling blend of puzzle-solving, exploration, and narrative-driven experiences. The mechanics are well-thought-out, providing a balanced and immersive gameplay experience ideally suited for VR. The game encourages players to interact with their environment, solve challenging puzzles, and uncover the secrets of the Stauf mansion. The PSVR 2’s motion controls and 3D audio add an extra layer of immersion, making the gameplay experience feel intuitive and engaging.

The mechanics of puzzle-solving are the heart and soul of The 7th Guest VR. Players must use their wits and observation skills to navigate through the mansion, solving various puzzles that range from logical to abstract. The puzzles are cleverly integrated into the game’s environment, ensuring they feel like a natural part of the world rather than arbitrary challenges. The game’s difficulty is well-balanced, providing a satisfying sense of progression without becoming frustrating.

The gameplay is further enhanced by the game’s attention to atmosphere and storytelling. The puzzles are not just obstacles to overcome; they are integral to the narrative, providing clues and context to the unfolding mystery. The game’s pacing is expertly crafted, ensuring players remain engaged and invested in the story. The mechanics of The 7th Guest VR are finely tuned to create a balanced, immersive, and engaging gameplay experience.

The game’s mechanics are a testament to Vertigo Games’ expertise in VR development, providing a gameplay experience that is both innovative and nostalgic. The puzzles are challenging, the atmosphere is immersive, and the narrative is compelling, creating a unique gaming experience that stands out in the VR landscape. The 7th Guest VR is a masterful blend of puzzle-solving, exploration, and storytelling, offering a gameplay experience that is as rewarding as it is immersive.


While The 7th Guest VR is primarily a single-player experience, its immersive world and challenging puzzles provide ample replayability. The game’s intricate design and attention to detail encourage players to revisit the Stauf mansion, uncovering new clues and secrets with each playthrough. The narrative’s subtle intricacies and the variety of puzzles ensure that players will discover something new each time they don the PSVR 2 headset.

The game’s lack of multiplayer does not detract from its replayability; in fact, it enhances the immersive experience. The 7th Guest VR is a journey meant to be taken alone, with players losing themselves in the atmospheric world of the Stauf mansion. The game’s single-player focus allows for a deep, narrative-driven experience, with players fully immersed in the game’s world and story.

The replayability of The 7th Guest VR is a testament to the game’s design and the richness of its world. The game’s puzzles are challenging and varied, providing players with many reasons to revisit the Stauf mansion. The narrative’s depth and the game’s attention to detail ensure that players will uncover new secrets and stories with each playthrough, making The 7th Guest VR a game worth experiencing multiple times.

The game’s world is a treasure trove of mysteries and secrets, and the narrative is a journey worth repeating. The puzzles are a challenge, and the atmosphere is immersive, providing players with a wealth of content to enjoy. The replayability of The 7th Guest VR is a highlight of the experience, ensuring that players will find something new and exciting with each visit to the Stauf mansion.

Graphics and Sound

The 7th Guest VR is a visual and auditory feast with stunning graphics and a haunting soundtrack that enhances the overall experience. The game’s art style captures the eerie atmosphere of the Stauf mansion with detailed environments and atmospheric lighting effects. The PSVR 2’s capabilities bring the game’s visuals to life, providing enhanced graphics and immersive 3D audio that add to the overall atmosphere.

The game’s sound design is equally impressive, with a soundtrack that complements the game’s tone and enhances the eerie ambiance. The sound effects are well-crafted, adding a layer of immersion to the gameplay experience. The voice acting, though limited, adds a human touch to the game’s supernatural world. The graphics and sound work together to create a cohesive, immersive experience that draws players into the world of The 7th Guest VR.

The 7th Guest VR’s graphics and sound are standout features, providing a feast for the senses and enhancing the overall experience. The game’s visuals capture the eerie atmosphere of the Stauf mansion, while the sound design adds to the game’s immersive quality. The graphics and sound of The 7th Guest VR are a testament to the game’s quality, providing players with a visually and audibly stunning experience.

The game’s visuals and audio are integral to the experience, creating a world that is both eerie and immersive. The stunning graphics capture the essence of the Stauf mansion with detailed environments and atmospheric lighting. The sound design is haunting, with a soundtrack that enhances the eerie ambiance and sound effects that add to the immersion. The graphics and sound of The 7th Guest VR are a highlight of the game, providing players with a feast for the senses and enhancing the overall experience.

Final Thoughts

The 7th Guest VR stands out as a unique and immersive experience in the VR gaming landscape, offering players a chance to revisit a classic mystery adventure with a modern twist. The game’s narrative is compelling, the puzzles are challenging, and the world is filled with secrets waiting to be uncovered. The graphics and sound are top-notch, creating a feast for the senses and enhancing the overall experience. The game’s replayability ensures that players will find something new and exciting with each playthrough, making The 7th Guest VR a game worth revisiting.

Vertigo Games has successfully revitalized a classic title, capturing the essence of The 7th Guest while adding modern VR enhancements to create a fresh and immersive experience. The game’s world is rich and atmospheric, filled with puzzles, secrets, and a chilling narrative that will keep players engaged from start to finish. The graphics and sound are standout features, providing a visually and auditorily stunning experience that enhances the game’s eerie ambiance.

In conclusion, The 7th Guest VR is a must-play for fans of mystery adventure games and those looking for a unique VR experience. The game’s world is a treasure trove of secrets and stories, and the narrative is a chilling journey through the haunted halls of the Stauf mansion. The graphics and sound are top-notch, creating a feast for the senses and enhancing the overall experience. The 7th Guest VR is a game that offers a wealth of content, challenges, and stories, making it a standout title on the PSVR 2.

We prepared this review with a digital copy of The 7th Guest VR for the PSVR 2 version provided by Evolve PR.



As far as I can remember, I've been surrounded by technology. My father bought us a Commodore 64 so I started playing games as a baby, following my passion with Amiga 500, then PC and so on. I love game related collectibles, and when I'm not collecting I review games, watch movies and TV Shows or you may catch me keeping a low profile at Game Events.

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