It’s A Wrap Review

Lights, Camera, Action! - A Dive into 'It's A Wrap!' on the Nintendo Switch

“It’s A Wrap!” on the Nintendo Switch is a unique offering from Chanko Studios that promises to transport players to the glitz and glamour of 1980s Hollywood. But this isn’t just about the fame and the red carpet; it’s a challenging 2D puzzle platformer where players don both the director’s hat and the star’s shoes. The game’s premise is intriguing, blending the world of cinema with intricate gameplay mechanics. As the curtains rise, players are immediately thrust into a world of action-packed sequences, dramatic turns, and mind-bending puzzles. The question remains: does “It’s A Wrap!” deliver a blockbuster performance or is it just another indie title vying for the spotlight?

The Nintendo Switch has been home to numerous indie gems, and “It’s A Wrap!” aims to join those ranks. With its unique setting and gameplay mechanics, it offers a fresh experience for platformer enthusiasts. The game’s backdrop of 1980s Hollywood is not just a superficial layer; it deeply influences the gameplay, challenges, and narrative. Players are not just navigating platforms; they’re navigating the challenges of a film set, complete with all its drama and unpredictability.

The allure of Hollywood has always been a captivating one. The bright lights, the fame, the thrill of storytelling – it’s a world many dream of but few truly understand. “It’s A Wrap!” attempts to bridge that gap, giving players a taste of the cinematic world while challenging them with intricate gameplay. As players dive deeper into the game, they’ll find that it’s not just about completing levels; it’s about telling a story, making decisions as a director, and executing action sequences as the star. The dual role-playing aspect adds depth to the gameplay, ensuring that players are always engaged and invested in the outcome.

Chanko Studios has taken a bold step with “It’s A Wrap!”, choosing a theme that is both familiar yet rarely explored in the gaming world. The 1980s setting, with its distinct style and flair, adds a layer of nostalgia for those who remember the era, while introducing younger players to a vibrant and dynamic period in film history. The game’s introduction sets the stage for an immersive experience, blending narrative-driven sequences with challenging gameplay elements. As players progress, they’ll discover that “It’s A Wrap!” is more than just a game; it’s a journey through the golden age of Hollywood.

Setting and Story

Set in the vibrant era of 1980s Hollywood, “It’s A Wrap!” offers players a unique narrative intertwined with its gameplay. The game’s story revolves around the challenges and triumphs of filmmaking, where players must navigate the intricacies of a film set, manage a cast and crew, and bring their cinematic vision to life. The backdrop of Hollywood serves not just as a setting but as a character in itself, influencing the game’s challenges, decisions, and outcomes.

The 1980s was a defining decade for cinema, marked by iconic films, groundbreaking technology, and a shift in storytelling techniques. “It’s A Wrap!” captures the essence of this era, immersing players in a world of neon lights, synthesizer music, and larger-than-life characters. As players delve into the game, they’ll encounter various scenarios reminiscent of classic 80s films, from high-octane action sequences to dramatic emotional moments. The game’s narrative is deeply rooted in its setting, ensuring that players are not just playing a game but living a cinematic experience.

Navigating the world of “It’s A Wrap!” is akin to walking through a living film set. Every level, every challenge, and every decision is influenced by the game’s narrative. Players must think like a director, strategizing their moves, planning their shots, and ensuring that every scene is executed perfectly. The game’s story is not just a backdrop; it’s an integral part of the gameplay, driving players to invest emotionally in their journey.

Chanko Studios has crafted a narrative that is both engaging and authentic. Drawing inspiration from real-life Hollywood stories, the game offers a glimpse into the world of filmmaking, complete with its highs and lows. Players will encounter challenges that mirror real-life film set dilemmas, from managing a difficult actor to dealing with unexpected setbacks. The game’s story is a testament to the passion, dedication, and creativity that goes into making a film, and players will feel every emotion, from the thrill of a successful shot to the despair of a scene gone wrong.

Gameplay and Mechanics

At its core, “It’s A Wrap!” is a 2D puzzle platformer, but it offers so much more than traditional platforming mechanics. The game seamlessly blends cinematic storytelling with intricate gameplay, challenging players to think, strategize, and execute their moves with precision. As players navigate the levels, they’ll encounter a variety of challenges, from intricate puzzles to action-packed sequences, all influenced by the game’s cinematic setting.

The gameplay mechanics of “It’s A Wrap!” are deeply intertwined with its narrative. Players must not only navigate platforms but also manage a film set, directing scenes, coordinating with the cast and crew, and ensuring that every shot is perfect. This dual gameplay mechanic adds depth and complexity to the game, ensuring that players are always engaged and challenged. Whether it’s executing a complex stunt sequence or solving a tricky puzzle, players must always think on their feet, blending their directorial vision with gameplay skills.

Chanko Studios has introduced a variety of gameplay mechanics that set “It’s A Wrap!” apart from traditional platformers. Players have access to a range of tools and abilities, from directing scenes to executing stunts, each adding a layer of strategy and complexity to the gameplay. The game also offers a dynamic environment, where players must adapt to changing scenarios, react to unexpected challenges, and make split-second decisions that can influence the outcome of a scene.

The beauty of “It’s A Wrap!” lies in its ability to blend narrative-driven sequences with challenging gameplay. Players are not just navigating platforms; they’re directing a film, making decisions that influence the story, and executing action sequences that require skill and precision. The game’s mechanics are designed to challenge players, pushing them to think creatively, strategize their moves, and immerse themselves in the cinematic world of “It’s A Wrap!”.

Multiplayer and Replayability

While “It’s A Wrap!” is primarily a single-player experience, it offers elements that enhance its replayability. The game’s narrative-driven approach means that players can explore different outcomes based on their decisions, encouraging multiple playthroughs to experience the full breadth of the story. Additionally, the game’s challenging gameplay mechanics, combined with its dynamic environment, ensure that no two playthroughs are the same, adding to its replay value.

The game’s multiplayer potential lies in its shared cinematic experience. While it may not offer traditional multiplayer modes, players can collaborate, discuss strategies, and share their directorial visions, creating a communal gaming experience. The game’s intricate puzzles and challenges also lend themselves to cooperative gameplay, where players can work together to solve puzzles, execute stunts, and bring their cinematic vision to life.

Chanko Studios has ensured that “It’s A Wrap!” offers ample replay value. The game’s branching narrative, combined with its dynamic gameplay mechanics, ensures that players are always discovering something new, whether it’s a hidden storyline, a secret challenge, or a new gameplay mechanic. The game’s design encourages exploration, experimentation, and creativity, ensuring that players are always engaged and invested in their journey.

While “It’s A Wrap!” may not offer traditional multiplayer modes, its shared cinematic experience, combined with its challenging gameplay, ensures that players are always engaged, collaborating, and sharing their experiences. The game’s replayability lies in its ability to offer a fresh experience with every playthrough, ensuring that players are always discovering something new and exciting.

Graphics and Sound

Visually, “It’s A Wrap!” is a treat for the eyes. The game captures the essence of 1980s Hollywood, with its neon-lit streets, iconic landmarks, and larger-than-life characters. The game’s art style is vibrant and dynamic, reflecting the energy and excitement of the film industry. Every level, every character, and every scene is meticulously designed, ensuring that players are always immersed in the game’s cinematic world.

The game’s sound design is equally impressive, offering a blend of iconic 80s tracks, dramatic scores, and immersive sound effects. The game’s soundtrack sets the mood, transporting players to the golden age of cinema, complete with its highs and lows. Whether it’s the upbeat tunes of a chase sequence or the dramatic scores of an emotional scene, the game’s sound design complements its visuals, creating a holistic cinematic experience.

Chanko Studios has gone the extra mile to ensure that “It’s A Wrap!” offers a visual and auditory treat. The game’s graphics are not just visually appealing; they tell a story, reflecting the game’s narrative and setting. The game’s sound design, with its blend of music, sound effects, and voiceovers, adds depth to the gameplay, ensuring that players are always engaged and invested in their journey.

The beauty of “It’s A Wrap!” lies in its ability to transport players to a bygone era, complete with its distinct style, flair, and energy. The game’s graphics and sound design are not just superficial layers; they’re integral to the gameplay, influencing players’ decisions, emotions, and outcomes. Chanko Studios has crafted a masterpiece that is both visually stunning and audibly captivating, ensuring that players are always immersed in the game’s cinematic world.

Final Thoughts

“It’s A Wrap!” is a testament to the creativity and innovation of indie game developers. Chanko Studios has crafted a game that is both engaging and unique, offering players a fresh take on the platforming genre. The game’s blend of cinematic storytelling, intricate gameplay mechanics, and immersive visuals and sound design sets it apart from traditional platformers, ensuring that players are always engaged, challenged, and entertained.

The game’s narrative-driven approach, combined with its dynamic gameplay mechanics, ensures that players are always discovering something new, whether it’s a hidden storyline, a secret challenge, or a new gameplay mechanic. The game’s design encourages exploration, experimentation, and creativity, ensuring that players are always engaged and invested in their journey.

In conclusion, “It’s A Wrap!” is a must-play for platforming enthusiasts and cinema lovers alike. The game offers a fresh, engaging, and immersive experience, blending the world of cinema with intricate gameplay mechanics. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or a casual player, “It’s A Wrap!” promises to offer hours of entertainment, challenges, and cinematic moments.

Chanko Studios has truly outdone themselves with “It’s A Wrap!”, crafting a game that is both visually stunning and gameplay-rich. It’s a game that deserves a spot in every gamer’s library, offering a unique experience that is both challenging and rewarding. As the curtains fall on this review, one thing is clear – “It’s A Wrap!” is a blockbuster hit, and it’s here to stay.

We prepared this review with a digital copy of the “It’s A Wrap!” for the Switch version provided by Evolve PR.



As far as I can remember, I've been surrounded by technology. My father bought us a Commodore 64 so I started playing games as a baby, following my passion with Amiga 500, then PC and so on. I love game related collectibles, and when I'm not collecting I review games, watch movies and TV Shows or you may catch me keeping a low profile at Game Events.


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