Princess Peach: Showtime! Review

Curtain Call for Adventure: A Review of Princess Peach: Showtime!

In the spotlight of Nintendo’s latest release, Princess Peach: Showtime!, fans are treated to a dazzling performance where Princess Peach takes the lead role, a spotlight she hasn’t claimed since 2005’s Super Princess Peach. Developed by Good-Feel and launched on the Nintendo Switch on March 22, 2024, this action-adventure game has been met with a warm reception, garnering mixed positive reviews for its innovative gameplay and enchanting narrative. This title marks a significant shift in the portrayal of one of Nintendo’s most iconic characters, transforming her from a damsel frequently in distress to the heroine of her thrilling saga.

Princess Peach: Showtime! It brings the Mushroom Kingdom’s beloved monarch to the grand stage of the Sparkle Theater, where drama and danger unfold equally. With a cast of old and new characters set in a theatre held captive by an evil sorceress, the game combines the charm of classic Nintendo adventures with fresh gameplay mechanics. Princess Peach steps out of the shadows of her royal duties and into a series of roles that showcase her versatility and bravery, making this game a significant addition to the Nintendo library.

The transition of Princess Peach from a supporting role in peril to a protagonist with agency is a refreshing development in the world of video games. Princess Peach: Showtime! It does not merely rehash old formulas but reimagines what a game centred around Peach can look like, blending traditional action-adventure elements with innovative mechanics that allow Peach to don various theatrical personas, each with unique abilities.

Setting and Story

The stage is set at the vibrant Sparkle Theater, an illustrious venue known throughout the Mushroom Kingdom for its dazzling plays and performances. However, the theatre’s light dims under the shadow of the wicked sorceress Grape and her minions, the Sour Bunch, who seize control of the venue in a dramatic coup. Caught amid the chaos is Princess Peach, who, upon losing her crown, finds herself on an unexpected quest to reclaim her royal symbol and save the theatre and its captives.

Accompanied by Stella, a sentient ribbon and guardian of the Sparkle Theater, Peach embarks on a rescue mission across various plays staged within the theatre. Each play’s setting offers a backdrop for the game’s chapters’ bandthematic abilities that Peach can adopt. From the swashbuckling Swordfighter Peach in a pirate drama to the mysterious Detective Peach in a noir thriller, the game uses these themed settings to craft a narrative rich in variety and excitement.

The plot deepens as Peach progresses, with each rescued Sparkla adding layers to the overarching story of reclaiming the theatre from Grape’s clutches. The showdown with Grape, which sees her transform into a formidable giant after a deceptive defeat, provides a climactic battle fitting for the theatrical setting. The narrative’s resolution, featuring a restored theatre and a celebratory performance, encapsulates the game’s theme of triumph and community.

Gameplay and Mechanics

In Princess Peach: Showtime!, gameplay takes center stage with a refreshing twist on the action-adventure genre, emphasizing versatility and creativity through its unique transformation mechanic. As players control Princess Peach, they are introduced to an innovative system where Peach can gain special abilities by stepping onto circular platforms scattered throughout the Sparkle Theater. Each platform corresponds to a different play, transforming Peach into various personas such as Swordfighter, Detective, and even Mermaid Peach.

Each transformation is not merely cosmetic but brings unique abilities that are crucial for progressing through the game’s levels. Swordfighter Peach, for example, excels in combat with enhanced melee skills, while Detective Peach can solve puzzles to unlock new areas or secrets within the theatre. This mechanic diversifies the gameplay and strategically integrates the game’s theatrical theme into the core gameplay loop, making each level a new act in Peach’s adventure.

Interaction with the environment is also a vital aspect of the game—the Sparkle Theater is a multi-layered arena with backdrops and props that are more than just decorative. Players can interact with these elements to solve puzzles, uncover hidden items, and even use them tactically in battles against the Sour Bunch minions. This dynamic environment keeps the gameplay engaging and encourages players to explore every corner of the theater.

Combat in Princess Peach: Showtime! is designed to be accessible yet challenging, with enemies and bosses that require different strategies depending on Peach’s current form. The final battles against Grape, particularly her transformation into a giant sorceress, test all the skills players have developed throughout the game, providing a satisfying conclusion to the adventure.

Moreover, the game incorporates a cooperative element. Players can occasionally control Stella, the sentient ribbon, to assist in combat and collaborative mode. This feature adds depth to the gameplay and enhances the narrative’s theme of friendship and teamwork.

Multiplayer and Replayability

Princess Peach: Showtime! infuses its adventure with significant replay value and a multiplayer dimension that expands players’ experience. While the primary focus remains on the single-player campaign, the game’s design includes features that encourage revisiting completed levels and sharing the fun with others.

The multiplayer aspect of Princess Peach: Showtime! is ingeniously implemented through a cooperative play mode. In this mode, a second player can join the game as one of the Toads accompanying Peach or cooperative sentient ribbon. This allows for real-time assistance in puzzles and combat, where the second player can execute special moves or access areas that are otherwise challenging for a single player. This cooperative feature not only makes the game more accessible to a younger audience but also adds a layer of strategic cooperative, more experienced players.

Replayability is another strong focus of the game. With each of Peach’s transformations offering distinct abilities, players are encouraged to revisit earlier levels using different forms to uncover secrets and collectibles previously inaccessible. This mechanic extends the game’s playtime and adds a puzzle-like element to each stage, challenging players to think creatively about using Peach’s abilities to explore the theatre fully.

Additionally, the game features achievement systems and unlockables that reward players for exploring the full range of what each character transformation can do, from performing specific actions to completing time-based challenges. These incentives motivate players to dive deeper into the gameplay mechanics and master all of Peach’s forms, enhancing the overall game experience.

The end of the main storyline does not mark the end of the adventure in Princess! Ach: Showtime!. Post-game content includes new difficulty levels and unique performance challenges that remix existing plays with tougher enemies and stricter time limits. This not only provides new challenges for seasoned players but also ensures that the Sparkle Theater remains a lively and engaging venue for ongoing adventures.

Graphics and Sound

Princess Peach: Showtime! With its visual and auditory presentation, Dazzles is expertly crafted to enhance the theatrical theme and immersive gameplay. Developed by Good-Feel, known for their visually striking games, this title continues their tradition of creating vibrant, expressive worlds that are both enchanting and richly detailed.

The graphics in Princess Peach: Showtime! are a standout feature, with a vivid color palette and dynamic animations that bring the Sparkle Theater and its various plays to life. Each stage of the game is designed to resemble a different theatrical performance, complete with elaborate backdrops, props, and costumes that reflect the theme of the play. For example, the noir-themed play features shadowy, monochrome visuals, while the pirate play bursts with the bright blues and greens of tropical seas. The attention to detail in these settings not only serves the narrative but also creates a visually captivating experience that keeps players engaged.

Character designs are equally impressive, with Princess Peach and her transformations being highlights. Each of Peach’s forms is not only visually distinct but also animated with unique movements and abilities that reflect their specific roles. The creativity in design extends to the game’s antagonists, the Sour Bunch, led by the wicked sorceress Grape, whose design is both menacing and charismatic.

The sound design in Princess Peach: Showtime! is meticulously aligned with its visual counterpart, featuring a soundtrack that varies dramatically to match the mood of each play. The music shifts seamlessly from the dramatic flourishes of a swordfighting scene to the subtle suspense of a detective story, enhancing each scene’s emotional and narrative impact. Sound effects are carefully crafted to give weight and texture to Peach’s interactions with the environment, from the clashing of swords to the rustle of a detective’s trench coat.

Voice acting, though minimal to keep with the tradition of the main Mario series characters not speaking extensively, effectively conveys emotion and personality through grunts, cheers, and other vocal expressions. The use of sound in this way adds depth to the characters and brings additional clarity to the storyline, making the game accessible and enjoyable for all ages.

The integration of graphics and sound in Princess Peach: Showtime! not only supports the gameplay mechanics but also deepens the immersive experience of the game, making each playthrough feel like a genuine theatrical performance. This harmony between visual flair and sound quality ensures that players are consistently engaged, both visually and auditorily, as they guide Princess Peach through her daring adventure in the Sparkle Theater.

Final Thoughts

Princess Peach: Showtime! stands out as a vibrant celebration of one of Nintendo’s most beloved characters. The game showcases Princess Peach in a role that highlights her courage, versatility, and enduring charm. The game’s innovative use of transformation-based gameplay, combined with its engaging plot and dynamic co-op features, ensures that it offers both depth and accessibility to a wide range of players.

The thoughtful integration of theatrical elements into the game’s design, from the stunning visuals and adaptive soundtrack to the varied gameplay mechanics, makes Princess Peach: Showtime! a must-play title on the Nintendo Switch. It is a fitting tribute to Princess Peach’s legacy and a brilliant addition to the pantheon of Mario-related games. This game entertains and empowers, inviting players to step into the spotlight and celebrate the heroine within.

We prepared this review with a digital copy of Princess Peach: Showtime! for the Nintendo Switch version provided by Nintendo.



As far as I can remember, I've been surrounded by technology. My father bought us a Commodore 64 so I started playing games as a baby, following my passion with Amiga 500, then PC and so on. I love game related collectibles, and when I'm not collecting I review games, watch movies and TV Shows or you may catch me keeping a low profile at Game Events.


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