Samurai Shodown! 2 Switch

Samurai Shodown! 2 Switch

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2 Milly signs an important firm to sue Epic Games, for using his moves as an emote

Last month rapper 2 Milly declared his intention to sue Epic Games for using one of his dances in Fo...[Read More]

Red Dead Redemption 2, your horse may die permanently

While playing Red Dead Redemption 2 you need to show extra care, as much as possible to your horse: ...[Read More]

Spider-Man has already completed its development and gone gold

Sony and Insomniac Games have announced the completion of the development of Spider-Man, the expecte...[Read More]

Far Cry 5 presents a live-action trailer ‘The Baptism’

Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Far Cry 5, this time a live-action trailer, where we can see ...[Read More]

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