
Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: Insomniac Games confirms that it will be possible to visit Coney Island

The famous New York amusement park will be an explorable area in the sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man, though we don’t know if we’ll be able to ride the rides. On sale October 20. Like any sequel worth its salt, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 will allow players to explore an expanded version of the previous installment’s map. The Insomniac Games team in charge of its development ...[Read More]

Spider-Man has already completed its development and gone gold

Sony and Insomniac Games have announced the completion of the development of Spider-Man, the expected title based on the Marvel character that will come exclusively to PlayStation 4. The company has confirmed that the video game goes to what is known in the slang of the industry as a gold phase, final goal before the duplication and commercialization of the game in question. To celebrate, they hav...[Read More]

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