Achilles: Legends Untold Review

In the Footsteps of a Legend: Unraveling Achilles: Legends Untold

“Achilles: Legends Untold,” developed by Dark Point Games for the PlayStation 5, is an action RPG that brings a fresh perspective to the ancient Greek mythology genre. This game is not just a journey through the myths and legends of Greece; it’s a deep dive into a world where every battle is a test of skill, strategy, and endurance. The game combines a complex combat system with an isometric view, offering players a unique gaming experience that is both challenging and rewarding. The introduction of the GAIA (Group AI Action) system adds a new layer of depth to the gameplay, with enemy behaviour that is dynamic, unpredictable, and engaging.

From the beginning, “Achilles: Legends Untold” sets itself apart from other action RPGs. The game’s focus on tactical combat, where players must manage their stamina and learn their opponents’ behaviours, creates a gameplay experience as intellectually stimulating as physically demanding. The game’s introduction is a masterclass in how to blend story, setting, and gameplay into a cohesive and engaging package.

The premise of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is simple yet profound. Players step into the shoes of Achilles, the legendary Greek hero, and embark on a journey filled with epic battles, intricate strategies, and a deep, immersive storyline. The game’s introduction does an excellent job of setting the stage for this epic adventure, teasing the challenges and triumphs that await players in the world of ancient Greece.

The introduction of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a blend of storytelling, atmospheric design, and gameplay innovation. It sets the stage for an experience familiar to fans of the action RPG genre and fresh in its execution. The game begins as it means to go on: as a thrilling, immersive, and challenging journey through a world where legends come to life.

Setting and Story

The setting of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is ancient Greece’s rich and mythical world, brought to life with stunning detail and authenticity. The game’s environment is a tapestry of legendary locations, mythical creatures, and epic tales, all woven together to create a fantastical world grounded in mythological lore. The setting is not just a backdrop for the story; it’s a living, breathing world that players can explore and interact with.

The story of “Achilles: Legends Untold” revolves around the legendary figure of Achilles, offering players a unique perspective on his life and adventures. The narrative is a blend of historical myth and creative interpretation, providing a fresh take on the well-known tales of Greek mythology. The game’s storytelling is rich and engaging, focusing on character development, epic storytelling, and a deep exploration of the themes and legends of ancient Greece.

The integration of setting and story is seamless, creating a cohesive and immersive narrative experience. “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a game where every location, character, and event is part of a larger story, with each element adding depth and richness to the narrative. The game’s narrative weaves Achilles’s journey with the broader themes of heroism, destiny, and the nature of legend.

The setting and story of “Achilles: Legends Untold” are masterfully crafted, creating an experience as intellectually stimulating as it is emotionally engaging. The game’s narrative is a testament to the power of storytelling in video games, offering a rich story in detail, depth, and intrigue. “Achilles: Legends Untold” is not just a journey through the world of ancient Greece; it’s a journey through a complex narrative that explores the life and legend of one of history’s most iconic heroes.

Gameplay and Mechanics

The gameplay of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a standout feature, offering a novel blend of action RPG elements and a unique combat system. The game challenges players to master a complex combat system, where managing stamina and understanding enemy behaviour are crucial to survival. The mechanics are designed to complement the game’s narrative, providing a gameplay experience that is both challenging and deeply connected to the story.

The combat system is the heart of the gameplay. Players must carefully manage their stamina, learn their opponents’ behaviours, and develop their fighting style using an extensive skill tree. Tactical and nuanced combat requires players to think strategically and react quickly to the dynamic battlefield. Including the GAIA system adds an extra layer of complexity, with enemies that can interact with each other and their surroundings unscripted.

The game’s RPG elements further enhance the gameplay. Players can develop Achilles’ skills and abilities, customize their equipment, and make choices that affect the game’s narrative and world. The RPG mechanics add depth and replayability to the game, allowing players to tailor their experience to their playstyle and preferences.

The mechanics of “Achilles: Legends Untold” are finely tuned to create a balanced, engaging, and immersive gameplay experience. The game is challenging but fair, rewarding players for their skill, strategy, and adaptability. The gameplay of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a testament to the game’s innovative design and its commitment to delivering a unique and memorable gaming experience.

Multiplayer and Replayability

“Achilles: Legends Untold” primarily focuses on its single-player experience, but its design inherently offers high replayability. The unique combat system and RPG elements ensure no two playthroughs are identical. Players are encouraged to experiment with different strategies, skill builds, and equipment setups, leading to various experiences and outcomes.

The game’s narrative structure and branching story paths add to its replay value. Players can explore aspects of Achilles’ story and make choices that impact the game’s world and characters. The choices made by players significantly affect the narrative, encouraging them to revisit the game to see all the possible outcomes and endings.

While “Achilles: Legends Untold” does not feature a traditional multiplayer mode, its design and narrative structure lend themselves to community engagement and discussion. Players can share their experiences, strategies, and discoveries with others, creating a community of fans exploring the depths of Achilles’ legend.

The replayability of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a significant aspect of its appeal. The game offers a fresh and exciting experience every time players step into the shoes of Achilles. The combination of challenging gameplay, a compelling narrative, and the unique approach to action RPG design ensures that players will keep coming back for more, eager to uncover every secret and experience every possible outcome.

Graphics and Sound

The “Achilles: Legends Untold” graphics are a visual feast, capturing the beauty and grandeur of ancient Greece with stunning detail and artistry. The game’s visual design is immersive and evocative, bringing the world of Greek mythology to life with rich textures, dynamic lighting, and beautifully rendered environments. Using an isometric view adds a unique perspective to the game, allowing players to appreciate the scale and detail of the world entirely.

The sound design of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is equally impressive, with a carefully crafted audio landscape that enhances the game’s atmosphere and narrative. The sound effects are realistic and impactful, adding to the sense of immersion and tension in combat. The game’s soundtrack is epic and fitting, complementing the visuals and elevating the overall experience.

The integration of graphics and sound is seamless, creating a cohesive, immersive experience that enhances the overall gameplay. The visual and audio design of “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a testament to the game’s high production values and the developers’ commitment to creating a high-quality gaming experience. The game is a visual and auditory delight, providing an immersive and enjoyable gaming experience that players will never forget.

Final Thoughts

“Achilles: Legends Untold” is a masterful creation that brings a fresh perspective to the action RPG genre. The game’s compelling narrative, engaging gameplay, and innovative mechanics make it a standout title on the PS5. The graphics and sound design are top-notch, enhancing the game’s overall enjoyment.

Dark Point Games has created a gem of a game that celebrates the thrill of combat, the depth of strategic gameplay, and the richness of Greek mythology. “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a game that challenges players to think, adapt, and embrace the legend of Achilles. The game’s replayability, engaging gameplay, and unique approach to action RPG design ensure that players will keep coming back for more.

“Achilles: Legends Untold” is a must-try for any fan of action RPGs and Greek mythology. It’s a game that offers much replay value, providing a challenging and enjoyable gameplay experience that will keep players engaged for hours. “Achilles: Legends Untold” is a testament to the potential of video games as a medium for immersive storytelling and innovation, and it’s a title that deserves a spot in every gamer’s library.

We prepared this review with a digital copy of Achilles: Legends Untold for the PS5 version provided by Evolve PR.



As far as I can remember, I've been surrounded by technology. My father bought us a Commodore 64 so I started playing games as a baby, following my passion with Amiga 500, then PC and so on. I love game related collectibles, and when I'm not collecting I review games, watch movies and TV Shows or you may catch me keeping a low profile at Game Events.


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