Today there is much talk of whether open worlds are suitable for any type of genre, and if it’s a trend that everyone wants to point but not always justified, once enjoy Metal Gear Solid V you realize that the saga was born to be an open world game , but to fit this format has had to sacrifice some of its identity, as the radar screen that indicates the position of the enemy, or the system Codec conversations Both -jugable resources and narrative-which have been replaced by others.
The open world provides new challenges and opportunities , and this is something that the game design advantage to its logical conclusion, almost all advantage involves some kind of problem, and do not stop trying differentweapons, tools and items, a surprising abundance , until the end of the game. Push you to constantly make decisions, for example, what it is more convenient, assault a base at night or in broad daylight? It depends, because in the dark you will be harder to detect, but also will be more difficult to see the situation of the soldiers, in broad daylight have a clearer view of the situation, but you’ll be much more exposed. You can even take advantage of the changing of the guard of the enemy, which feature patterns quite unpredictable motion , and sometimes there are opportunities that we can not miss, like a sandstorm in Afghanistan, where we become virtually invisible, or a downpour in Africa , during which the soldiers will not be able to hear our footsteps.
New mechanical and resources for more hours you wear plays no longer appear , and is so overwhelming amount of possibilities for that to not you choke and you enjoy properly we recommend that juguéis calmly, savoring, enjoying everything offering, which is much , and do not be a specific date on the calendar to marquéis acabároslo. They leave very few games like this throughout the years, and worth tasting, spend the same affection they have invested their creators to do.
It is a pleasure to see gradually grow your base of operations, the Mother Base , checking how what begins as a small platform in the middle of the ocean, just becoming a huge fortress full of life, with which you think you can conquer the world. We know that many were afraid of this “military management”, but it has ended up being one of his greatest virtues , and gives much game, providing a feeling of constant and very satisfactory progress.
It is managed easily, you can automate almost any task as the allocation of staff to different departments, and its development has a consistent and clear reflection in the gameplay , as new weapons, tools, items and all kinds of aid.Management and maintenance is a burden or never becomes tedious, and you always have plenty of motivation to kidnap soldiers, weapons, resources and enemy vehicles, having to improve such important departments such as R & D, which unlocks us new gadgets. Although many of the situations are resolved through text menus, it has details real good trademark. Like the fact that there are problematic soldiers for their character or hygiene, which can cause conflicts, resulting in lower staff.