Not only because less film is longer, but also because you use more narrative resources , commensurate with the language of the game. There is a complex and convoluted plot as in all Metal Gear , but you get a lot of freedom to delve much into it, making secondary missions, listening to conversations secretly enemies, or by cassettes, substitutes for long conversations Codec , which is where we will learn about all the details of the argument. Recordings of two or three minutes at most, you pretty amusing to hear, and they are very well organized for its subject, even the yellow sticker/stamps especially important.
And then there’s a second story, which we build we played , deciding how to face each situation, how to solve the missions or how to build Mother Base, our headquarters operations, the heart of the adventure . Deciding which partner want for particular mission, from which place the stage we attacked the goal, if we meet secondary tasks like rescue a hostage, and when we decided to return to base, take a shower to cleanse the blood and revitalize the mind, and passing salute our comrades. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain may be less film, but not has less narrative , in fact build us at every step, the aspect that seems most revolutionary of this Metal Gear , and justifying its open world.
The man who sold the world
We will not tell you anything about the story, as always hides a lot of surprises, even if you have informed much of all theories that run the Internet.The first is that there have to be afraid if you have not played Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker finally is not very important to understand the argument, and as is obvious it is almost mandatory to have played Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes , the prologue, where the fuse of what happens in latchesThe Phantom Pain .
Since the game is as round as it is hard to find fault, it will tell a lot about its history in the coming weeks, and this is where the expectations are so high you play more than one a trick. Because unlike Metal Gear Solid 4 , which was an excessive exercise of fan service , here is a much more focused and less ambitious story in terms of not wanting too much, turning around a few themes and characters, but is a thousand times better written, and it raises interesting reflections, definitely closing the series of very successful way .
The story has several layers deep, and it is we who decide how much deeper in it . Depending on our background in the more or less enjoy its endless series of winks and references, but do not expect a parade of characters we saw in Metal Gear on, or you will feel disappointed. Shown that they are justified by history, and this is where better Kojima shows his maturity, since it has not built a single thought to please the fans argument.Something that is very interesting is the structure of television series with credits at the beginning and the end of missions, and even occasional continue. It is at least arguable that often the credits at the beginning of the mission make us spoilers of the characters who will appear during the episode.
It is making it clear that the story true, although not going to become a favorite of the series, which Metal Gear Solid V stands out greatly gameplay is outstanding . A stealth action adventure open world where Hideo Kojima and his team unleash their creativity, play Tactical Espionage Action that the Japanese creator always wanted to do, like his earlier work they had been mere experiments limited by technology of time. Possibly the best adventure stealth and infiltration that we have ever played.