In the beginning of the campaign it feels fresh with a lot of information. Before attempting a mission you can choose between one of three skill trees, which are Chaos(with powers and exploit the robots remotely and can create chain reactions, or shooting a swarm of small drones disabling enemies), Control (which serves to reprogram robots and become allies, or hack drones and navigate them) and Martial (enhanced skills related to the movement, turning invisible, run faster or perform lethal punches).
As you play, these skills slowly unlock which you can improve. This brings a more refreshing gameplay to the campaign, along with new enemies and weapons. We can also use the new multiplayer movements such as running up walls and double jump, however, we have not found these skills to be necessary to use to finish the campaign missions. As mentioned in the beginning the games feels very refreshing, but as you progress, you will see some repetition, fighting the same types of enemies without a major surprise in the scenes, which can create a quite shallow ending.
Treyarch implemented a safe house before each mission where you can customize your character, create and modify weapons, train in a combat simulator, see all the collectibles you have achieved and access to a computer where you can see art galleries, videos, music and read a number of interesting documents.
It is here where we unlock the computer hilarious Dead Ops Arcade, a game of action overhead perspective in which you can participate with four players that is full of surprises, including the classic races like the Super Off Road. And when we overcome the campaign, possibly one of the longest in the series, we unlock mode Nightmares , which is the campaign missions with zombies and a new story, something rather curious. You see these three years of development has enabled it to offer Treyarch a complete game. Although the ending of the campaign hasn’t fully convinced us, this is offset by the other two pillars of product, ranging from remarkable to outstanding.