Graphics & Sound
Uncharted 4 is not only a great game for its pure technical muscle, which it does, but also by a meticulous art section and flowing with good taste, with full scenarios details that give us a landscapes of beauty, which is difficult, not to stop you every two three minutes to admire. The animations are subtle, something that Naughty Dog are masters, and we love their passion to the smallest details, what makes the difference between good and exceptional games. The game has a solidity and has already become a hallmark by presenting no load times, no graphics defects, and no major problems with 30 frames rate per second. In a smart move to have opted for 1080p and 30fps in the campaign, and 900p and 60 fps in multiplayer, so that gameplay never suffers.
The ravishing beauty of the scenarios are the interpretations of the characters, realism that becomes shocking, and sometimes convey more with facial expressions or body gestures with the words themselves. And all seamlessly integrated into the action, without any transition between cinematics and times when we control the character, so you can never let go of the control.
All this is accompanied with a purely perfect sound: from the effects due to the forcefulness with which sound of weapons and explosions, or sounds that acclimate the scenes, and exciting ochestra and an epic band, which makes the scenes of action to be even more spectacular, one of the best we’ve ever heard.
Final Thougts
Naughty Dog has finally finishes the adventures of Nathan Drake, and they deliver it epic, from the first minute to the last, with a game that keeps you constantly surprise, for some reason or other. It is the Uncharted most complete in every way: more elaborate narrative, more platforms, puzzles and exploration than ever, scenes of better-designed action, also now can go stealthily, wider stages throughout the series, and more extensive campaign, which lasts almost double the playtime of any of the previous installments. Naughty Dog as a studio that makes the difference, and that continue to overcome and try to raise the bar with each new title. You may like more or less what it offers, and its peculiar rhythm may go crashing to seeking a fast – paced action game from start to finish, but any lover of video games should try it. Unfortunately there aren’t many studios out there so ambitious, that develop titles and care like this very often, an unforgettable adventure.